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How to Get Money Without Working

Want to become a multi-millionaire, it's not going to happen by itself.
Want to become a multi-millionaire, it's not going to happen by itself.

It is easy to get money without working, but it requires some knowledge and intelligence. Here are few tips on how to do it.

[edit] Steps

  1. Learn about share market and do trading online (Note: its best if you get some financial advice before undertaking this venture).
  2. Buy low, rent high, sell at its peak and you have made a lot of money.
    Buy low, rent high, sell at its peak and you have made a lot of money.
    Buy a property at a lower price and sell it when the market goes up. (In the mean time, it's best that you rent it out to a renting company.)
  3. Invest in Banks and Mutual Funds if you are not sure of share market.
  4. Do business in lodging. In this case you have to construct rooms and offer the same on rent on daily basis.
  5. WORK to Become an author.
    WORK to Become an author.
    Write a book and earn royalty
  6. Become a senior citizen and earn pension from the Government.
  7. Win a lottery. (Like thats going to happen)
    Win a lottery. (Like thats going to happen)
    Win at the lottery and the race course.
  8. Start trading in CFD's (information on CFD's can be found at the bottom of this page.).
  9. Shake down small businesses legally by launching spurious lawsuits against them. Have your lawyer do all the legwork filing and offering 'a deal' at a reasonable rate to make the suit go away. Split the proceeds. All you have to do is find something to be 'angry' about at various businesses.
  10. Buy a car/truck/tempo and hire it for travels/carrying goods.
  11. Become a moneylender
  12. Become a consultant in any field of your interest.
  13. Become a tutor and run classes. This does not involve any work, as the child is the one who is being worked hard.
  14. Marry with a rich partner if you are not already married.
  15. Work as a watchman or liftman etc where a very little work is involved.
  16. Own a website which explains how to make money without working.
  17. Get yourself adopted by some rich family.
  18. Get a mentor who is financialy mature and learn from them!
  19. Look around your house or on the streets for change.
  20. Look for rare coins in your pocket change. Obtain very large quantities of coins at your local bank if
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